Increasing student's engagement by implementing attractive techniques in the EFL class

Students that are involved during the instruction process learn more efficiently and are more successful to remember what they have been taught. Besides, students who are engaged in learning, most of the times become more passionate about learning a little bit of everything in life.

If the instruction is effective, engagement turns out to be something productive. So, how can you increase your students' level of engagement, and the amount of time that students are engaged in class while you teach?

Here are some recommendations:

1. Use the 10:2 method: This is, teach 10 minutes and give 2 minutes to the students to process, analise and respond the instruction. This can be through different skills; like making short questions and they can debate or discuss orally, asking them to write down something related to the instruction or the topic in study.

2. Make your lesson more "active": Ask students to answer questions by moving to a certain place in the classroom For example, writing down the information required in the whiteboard or mixing up the topic with some games or activities that require movement.

3. Pick up the pace: This does not mean that the class is going to go slow the whole time, but every class has their own pace to absorb the information. So, the teacher needs to be aware of the studens' needs and go with their rhythm, not too fast but not that slow.

4. Provide frequent and effective feedback: It is important to always provide feedback the students, can be after an assignment, to let them know what they are doing right and what things they need or they need to improve. Feedback is not telling them what they are doing wrong, it is important to let them know the things they are doing right (so they can keep on doing it and feel motivated), and the things they need to improve (so they can brush up their knowledge and do better each time).

5. Apply the 3-2-1 method at the end of the class: allow them to write down on their notebooks three things they learned during the lesson, two interesting things, and one question or doubt  that emerged about what was taught. They can share this with a peer.
Resultado de imagen para students working in pairs

Which of the recommendations above would you implement in your class, and what else would to implement of it to make the class even more attractive fot students?


  1. All of them are so important, in my case I will apply 10:2 method and provide frequent and effective feedback, furthermore, I will implement 5 minute out of class time as a mind refresh method.

  2. I consider all those tips are very useful, but, the one I consider more attractive is the 10:2 method, because I think it is very important that students take their time and process their information, because if they just recieve information probably their are not going to learn in the correct way.

  3. The whole recommendations are very useful, but in my case I would try to implement all the time, feedback, is important a review of the class at the end, to be sure that our students get in a clear way the information. And also teacher can put into practice different activities where all the students participate.

  4. In my very case, I would use this Make your lesson more "active": Ask students to answer questions by moving to a certain place in the classroom For example, writing down the information required in the whiteboard or mixing up the topic with some games or activities that require movement. Because this is very effective, I would implement problable media to support my activities.

  5. I think that all of them are very important but, I will apply feedback in all my classes in order to help students to develop their own skills.


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